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How to make brain dissection a no-brainer

Middle School / High School

Estimates say the human brain can store about a million gigabytes of information. But for most of us, the issue isn’t storage, it’s retrieval. Thanks to Ward’s World, you won’t have to clear space in your gray matter for the best way to introduce students to brain dissection and anatomy. Just direct your cerebrum to this fun 4-minute video for everything you’ll need to know.

“Investigating Anatomy: The Brain,” is divided into three chapters:

  1. Choosing a brain – Preservative options, specimen types
  2. Making sure you’re supplied
  3. Ready to inspect and dissect – Identification and function of all regions

Now, if you're looking for high-quality accessories to pair with your lessons and excite your class, you won't have to wrack your brain. Watch "6 Tools to Teach Brain Anatomy"; this 60-second video shows everything you need to inspire your students to learn more. Don't settle for boring when you can use these fantastic resources in your classroom.


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