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Teacher Appreciation Month Giveaway
Thanks for Entering!
Stay tuned to find out if you're one of the three lucky winners of the Gratitude Gift Bag. Winners will be announced on June 3, 2024.
Each Gift Bag includes:
- Ward’s Science Gift Card: $250
- One Ward’s Science Activity Bundle of Your Choice (see details below)
- Stanley Cup: $45
- Starbucks Gift Card: $25
- Fun Ward's Swag
Educators like you lead, guide, challenge, and inspire students to unlock their full potential every day. The team at Ward's Science stands with you every step of the way.
Ward's Science Teacher Appreciation Activity Bundles
These activity bundles provide hands-on learning experiences across disciplines like biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental science. From exploring ecosystem dynamics and matter properties to designing innovative vehicles and solving environmental issues, these interactive activities encourage critical thinking and real-world problem-solving skills.
Biology Bundle
- Population Ecology Learning Care, IBL Case: Students study predator-prey population dynamics worldwide, gaining an understanding of energy transfers in ecosystems.
- Cell Cycles IBL Case: Explore plant biotechnology by evaluating seed lines to combat a Phyto virus. Students work in teams using hands-on activities to learn concepts and propose solutions.
Chemistry Bundle
- Mystery Powder IBL Case: Use the scientific method, testing, and evidence-based claims to perform qualitative and quantitative observations on known and unknown samples and explore concepts related to matter and its interactions.
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Lab Kit: Teach the properties of matter by exploring different phases of matter, density, physical properties of a solid and liquid, and chemical properties.
Physics Bundle
- Air-Propelled Rovers, IBL Case: Students enter the role of mechanical engineers advising an international council on the development of air-propelled rovers and reducing collisions during off-planet exploration.
- Experiencing Forces Lab Activity: Students explore different forces by performing tasks, identifying agents and receivers, and describing force types and their effects.
STEM Bundle
- Pill Design IBL Case: Learn about the interactions of matter in the digestive system and the engineering constraints of designing a stomach-protecting coating.
- Hands-On Vehicle Kit: STEM-based activity in which students design and build cutting-edge vehicles to investigate stored energy from sources such as rubber bands or mousetraps.
Earth & Space Science Bundle
- Ward’s Engage Under Pressure, IBL Case: Students devise ways to predict the weather at high altitudes and learn about the effects of pressure changes on the human body.
- Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition Lab Activity: Use simulations to observe mechanical and chemical weathering, erosion, and deposition firsthand.
Environmental Science Bundle
- Who’s Killing Crystal Creek? Learning Case: Students determine the source of water pollution by using various water testing activities and analyzing local invertebrate populations.
- Groundwater Pollution and Spill Assessment Lab Activity: Students use a simulated groundwater pollution problem to assess contamination of area wells and direct remediation.
1. We will validate all entries.
2. Duplicate entries by the same person are not allowed.
3. The decision on winners is final and at our discretion.
4. We reserve the right to exclude participants suspected of fraud.
5. Entries using temporary email addresses will be disqualified.
6. Winners will be announced on social media & contacted via email on June 3, 2024.
7. Winners must claim their prize by June 17, 2024, or a new winner will be chosen.