Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_Meteorites The Relationship of Kinetic Energy

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+ ward ' s science Page 1 Meteorites: The Relationship of Kinetic Energy to Mass Submitted by: Rob S. Recommended Grade Level(s): Appropriate for: Middle School, Grades 6–8 Time Requirements: Prep Time: 20 minutes Activity Time: 40–80 minutes (depending if data is graphed) Teaching Topics & Concepts: Students will investigate how the kinetic energy (KE) of a sphere (marble) is related to the mass of the sphere. Students will utilize measurement skills and inference from quantitative data. Collaboration and graphical representation will be practiced as well! National Science Standards Alignment NGSS Standards: MS-PS3-1: describe relationship of kinetic energy (KE) to the mass of an object. Materials: • Flour • High walled (solid walls) containers to house the flour (i.e. small box, small wash bins, coffee cans, mop buckets, empty tissue boxes (with top cut off ). Containers may be all different for each group! • One container per group. • Marbles or spheres of different masses (3 different marbles will be optimal; 2 marbles as a modification for students). • 2 metersticks per group. • Index card per group (to smooth out the flour base after each drop). • 1 ruler per group. • Data table and graph paper This content is being brought to you by the Ward's World, Science By You program. This program brings lesson and classroom activity ideas directly from science teachers around the nation right to you. From best practices to activities, Science by You offers inspiration for every subject and every grade level. Interested in sharing your own content? Learn how today. PMS200 Black 70% Cool Gray 10 Black Astra Regular get for free from dafont.com Safety • Flour may drift onto the floor over repeated trials (although very seldom). Caution should be taken so that students do not slip. A simple dust pan sweeping will eliminate this unlikely problem. !

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