Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_Newton's Laws Stations_Final

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+ ward ' s science Page 8 Newton's Laws Stations Activity Crash Test Dummy (student handout) Objective: Investigate and describe the effects of inertia. Step-by-Step Procedure: Resting Car 1. Use the styrofoam ball to represent a person. 2. Place the car flat on the table. Place the person in the car. In your lab notebook, draw a force diagram to represent the car and driver. Record any forces that are acting on the car and person as it sits on the table. Describe the motion. Does Newton's First Law apply here? Record your thoughts In your lab notebook. Rolling Car 1. Place one end of the ramp on a stack of books or the edge of a chair to create an incline. Make sure there is plenty of room at the base of the ramp for the car to roll. 2. Using Newton's First Law, predict what will happen when the car rolls down the ramp and record this In your lab notebook.. 3. Place the car and figure at the top of the ramp. Let go, allowing the car and figure to roll down. Observe what happens, and record it. Soft Impact 1. Place a crumpled up piece of paper or cloth at the end of the ramp, making sure it is in the path of the car. 2. Using Newton's First Law, predict what will happen when the car, the passenger, and the paper upon impact. Record your prediction. 3. Roll the car down the ramp; measure the distance the person is thrown from the paper. 4. Compare the direction of the car's motion and the direction of the passenger. Car Crash 1. Replace the crumpled paper with a heavy object such as a book. 2. Use Newton's First Law to predict what will happen to the car, figure, and book when the car hits the book. Record your prediction. 3. Roll the car down the ramp. 4. Measure the distance the passenger is thrown. Record in your lab notebook. 5. Repeat the experiment but use a rubber band or tape to act as a seat belt for the passenger. Record your observations. Use the questions on the back of this sheet to guide you in writing in your lab notebook. Name: Class: Date:

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