Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_Newton's Laws Stations_Final

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+ ward ' s science Page 6 Newton's Laws Stations Activity Push Me, Pull You (student handout) Materials: • 2 – 10 N Spring scales • Ring Stand Step-by-Step Procedure: 1. Attach one of the spring scales to the ring stand so that it stays securely in place. 2. Hook the second spring scale to the first, so that they pull on each other in opposite directions. Hypothesis: Based upon what you know about Newton's laws, predict what will happen to one scale if you pull on the other, and why? Using this information, form a hypothesis that includes your reasoning. You can use the following template… Based upon Newton's ________________________________________________ law, the scale two will ________________________________________________ when scale one is pulled because ________________________________________________ . TEST IT. 1. Pull on the second, nonstationary spring scale with a force of 5 Newtons. 2. Observe the reading on the stationary spring scale. Record both readings to the correct significant figures in a data table like the one below. 3. Pull on the second, nonstationary spring scale with a force of 8 Newtons. 4. Observe the reading on the stationary spring scale. Record both readings to the correct significant figures in a data table like the one below. 5. Repeat for two more trials at different forces. 6. In your lab journal, copy and complete the following: The interacting objects that demonstrate action-reaction force pairs in the system are________________________________________________. 7. Draw a free body (box and arrows) diagram of the system in your lab journal. 8. Title your diagram and add labeled force arrows. 9. Under the diagram, write one statement that summarizes how the forces interacted at the same moment and identify which of Newton's laws was demonstrated. Spring Scale Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Stationary scale Movable scale Name: Class: Date:

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