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What Killed the Dinosaurs?
Submitted by Russell H.
Recommended Grade Level(s):
Appropriate for: Grades 9 – 12
Teaching Topics & Concepts:
Biology/Diversity & Evolution
Florida Standards:
SC.912.L.15.3: Describe how biological diversity is increased by the origin of new species and how it is decreased by the
natural process of extinction.
SC.912.N.1.1: Define a problem based on a specific body of knowledge, for example: biology, chemistry, physics, and earth/
space science.
LAFS.910.RST.3.9: Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own
experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts.
What Killed the Dinosaurs Handout
Step-by-Step Procedure:
1. Lesson Introduction
Much time is spent learning about life's past when you pursue a degree in biology. However, very little effort is placed into
this subject at the secondary level. Most secondary students are interested in dinosaurs, which provides motivation to
study this topic. Additionally, the idea of mass extinctions is important in today's world as many experts predict that we are
on the verge of a 6th mass extinction, this time caused in large part by humans.
2. Introduction
a. The teacher says, "Today we are going to learn about a topic that most of you love, Dinosaurs! Although we do not learn
that much about them in class, if you become a biologist considerable time is spent learning all about them. We will be
using a learning model called a webquest. In using this tool, you will work in groups of three (CR) to answer the
question, What killed the dinosaurs (UDL 9.1)? To solve this mystery, you must go on a quest, back in time to the
Cretaceous Period. Be careful, hungry velociraptors may be around any corner! You will examine online resources to
answer the question, What killed the dinosaurs?"
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