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Ward’s Wants to Know: What types of content do you want to see on Ward’s World?

Your opinion matters.

Our mission is to help you inspire students and guide discovery and learning by sharing free tips, inspiration, and resources here on Ward’s World. 

We know this year is more challenging than most, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. So, we want to know – what topics and resources would be most helpful to you this year? Let us know by taking our one-minute survey below.

Completing the survey is faster than the wind speed of black hole IGR J17091 (well, clocking in at 20 million mph, that wind might be a little faster). But, hey, we can wait the extra minute!

To show our appreciation for your minute (it’s your minute after all), upon completion of the survey, you’ll be entered into a random drawing to win a $100 Ward’s Science gift certificate! Winner will be selected at random on Friday, September 11, at 4:30 p.m. EST and notified by email. No purchase necessary to win.