Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_You Gotta Keep em Separated

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+ ward ' s science Page 1 Ya Gotta Keep 'em Separated Submitted by: Joseph P. Recommended Grade Level(s): Appropriate for: Grades 5–8 (Earth Science/General Science Concept) Time Requirements: Prep Time: 30 minutes Activity Time: 45+ minutes Teaching Topics & Concepts: What makes a Mixture a Mixture. Physical Characteristics & Properties of materials National Science Standards Alignment Physical Science Matter and Its Interactions 1. Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen. 2. Measure and graph quantities to provide evidence that regardless of the type of change that occurs when heating, cooling, or mixing substances, the total weight of matter is conserved. 3. Make and communicate observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties. 4. Conduct an investigation to determine whether the mixing of two or more substances results in new substances. 5. Interpret and analyze data to make decisions about how to utilize materials based on their properties. Materials: • 6 oz. plastic cups • Gravel of any type (2 teaspoons) • Diatomaceous Earth (1 teaspoon) • Sodium Chloride • 4 x 4 inch screen • 50 mL water syringe • Coffee filter • Craft sticks This content is being brought to you by the Ward's World, Science By You program. This program brings lesson and classroom activity ideas directly from science teachers around the nation right to you. From best practices to activities, Science by You offers inspiration for every subject and every grade level. Interested in sharing your own content? Learn how today. PMS200 Black 70% Cool Gray 10 Black Astra Regular get for free from dafont.com Safety • Read the all sheets for all chemicals before using them. • Wear safety glasses, gloves, and lab coat. • Avoid touching eyes with hands. • Be aware of screen sharp edges. !

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