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Electromagnetic Induction Lab: Creating
Electric Current from a Magnetic Field
Submitted by: Rob S.
Recommended Grade Level(s):
Appropriate for: ~ Grades 6–8
Time Requirements:
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Activity Time: 40–80 minutes (depending if graphing average data collected)
Teaching Topics & Concepts:
In 1831 Michael Faraday's lab demonstration showed that changing a magnetic field induces an electric current in a wire. The
concept paved the way for the creation of motors and generators. This lab experience will show this to be true using simple, safe,
and affordable equipment.
National Science Standards Alignment
NGSS Standard: MS-PS2-3. Strength of Magnetic and Electric Forces
• Digital Multimeters or Galvanometers ~ one per group/station.
• Alligator clip wire (x1 length per group/station)
• Horseshoe magnets
• Clay or playdoh to mount the horseshoe magnets
• (For the outside demonstration: which can be skipped for time/cost): one extension cord 75'–100' in length.
Two cords may be connected & taped together to obtain this optimal length.
• Data table: teacher created
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• This lab involves the magnetic fields of simple horseshoe magnets as well as the Earth's natural magnetic
field. As such, very small, safe amounts of electric current will be generated!
• Alligator clip wires may be used. If regular wire is used remind students not to poke the ends of the wire
into each other.
• Remind students that any wires or metal should NEVER be put into an electrical outlet!