Ward's World Activity Guides

Microscope Activity - Magnification and Scale

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Page 1 Understanding Magnification and Scale Activity supplied by Swift Optical Instruments, LLC Recommended Grade Level(s): Appropriate for: Middle & High School Time Requirements: One (50 minute) session—Note: If students are new to the use of the digital microscope, this activity may take longer. National Science Standards Alignment MS-PS1-2: Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. • DCI: PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter • Each pure substance has characteristic physical and chemical properties (for any bulk quantity under given conditions) that can be used to identify it. Materials: • Digital microscope, such as Swift Digital Microscope • Microscope slides and cover slips • Computers • Projector (for one computer) • Transparent ruler (with microns) • Meter stick or ruler • Table salt • Dark paper • Clay Purpose: To explore scale and magnification for the purpose of preparing for the following activities, and to understand that things viewed under a microscope might look two-dimensional but do actually have depth. This will lay the groundwork for later activities Introduction: Students observe and measure salt crystals at various magnifications and as viewed at different scales, including with the naked eye, through the various lenses of the microscope, on the microscope's mini-digital screen, on a computer screen, and projected in front of the class. They consider physical models of salt crystals at various scales. They consider how the field of view decreases with an increase in magnification. + ward ' s science Salt Crystals Safety Remember to practice proper safety techniques in all science laboratory activities and to teach your students how to conduct themselves responsibly in the lab or classroom. We support proper safety techniques and practices. We hope these activities and proper adherence to safety guidelines give you and your students the opportunity to teach, learn, and practice responsibility in the science lab. !

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