miniPCR bio
Chopped! Using CRISPR/Cas9 to cut DNA - Student's Guide
Version: 1.0 - Release: May 2022 - © 2022 by miniPCR bio™
Student's Guide
Interpreting results
1. Use the diagram on the right to illustrate your gel
electrophoresis results. There are five lanes on the
gel: one for your ladder and one for each reaction.
Be sure to label each lane appropriately.
(Note: faint bands that appear significantly higher
than the top band of the ladder should be ignored).
2. Next to each band, write approximately how long
(in base pairs) you think the DNA in that band is.
Use the image of the ladder from page 26 to help
Post-lab study questions
Note: Bands that are the same size as the uncut DNA from tube A represent uncut DNA and
indicate that not all the DNA in the reaction was cut. This is normal as reactions may not reach
completion under the time and conditions allowed.
3. Fill out the table below to document your experimental observations. Under the
"Observation" column, write down whether or not you observed that any of the DNA was cut
and explain whether this makes sense based on what was in the reaction.
Observation: Was
any of the DNA cut
in this reaction?
Explanation: Does this make sense based on what was in the
reaction? Explain your reasoning.
Tube A
Tube B
Tube C
Tube D