Ward's World Activity Guides

5-in-1 Photosynthesis Activities Bundle

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© 2023 by WeAreTeachers.com and Ward's Science. Teachers may make copies of this page to distribute to their students. Name: Date: Maze Directions: Use your knowledge of photosynthesis to answer the questions and complete the maze. Shade in the box with the correct answer and follow that path to keep working through questions until you reach the end. The products of photosynthesis include glucose and _______. What is the organelle responsible for conducting photosynthesis? Where does the carbon come from that is used to make glucose? What is produced at the end of the Calvin cycle? The process of photosynthesis produces which gas? The light- dependent reactions occur in the _______. What is the name of the pigment that absorbs light energy? What is missing from the formula? Sunlight 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O ➔ __ + 6O 2 The reactants of photosynthesis include carbon dioxide, light, and _______. Where does the Calvin cycle occur? What is the product of the light-dependent reactions? Finish! Start Carbon Dioxide Chloroplast Glucose Chlorophyll Stroma Stroma Oxygen Thylakoids Water Cell Wall Chloroplast Oxygen Chlorophyll C 6 H 12 O 6 Glucose Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Activity #3

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