Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_Bear Trap

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Issue link: https://wardsworld.wardsci.com/i/1491113

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+ ward ' s science Page 5 1. What is a tardigrade? 2. In what taxonomic phyla do they belong? 3. List several nicknames 4. What is the average size? 5. Describe the niche of the average tardigrade 6. They are known to survive extreme conditions. Name a few of these conditions and describe adaptations that allow them to survive. 7. Tardigrades have been the subject of much scientific research in the field of gene technology. What are the applications of tardigrade DNA to human sustainability? 8. When you have answered pre-lab questions, have your teacher initial here_________________ Lab instructions and questions: Now you are ready for sample collection! *NOTE: step lightly, remember sustainable use, be respectful of the ecosystem as well as learning in classrooms to and from sample site 1. From a location site on campus, obtain one small sample per group of lichen or moss. Place the moss in a petri dish labeled with group member initials. Pour enough distilled water to cover the bottom of the petri dish. Allow to sit for 3-24 hours. 2. Date of collection: 3. Location coordinates and description (sunlight, temperature, possible pollution sources): 4. Sample type (lichen or moss) Name: Class: Date: Bear Trap: Finding Tardigrades Pre- and Post Lab Questions

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