Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_Hidden Figures

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+ ward ' s science Page 1 Hidden Figures Movie Activity Submitted by: Ryan N. Recommended Grade Level(s): Appropriate for: All Grade Levels (Movie Rated-PG) Time Requirements: Activity Time: 1–2 class periods Teaching Topics & Concepts: • Social Studies • Language Arts • Geometry • Physics • Programming • Film Literacy • History • Career Readiness Background: Introduce International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 11) and Women's History Month (February). "Hidden Figures" is the story of three black women who contributed significantly to the U.S. Space program. Mathematics is at the heart of Hidden Figures. Mathematics supports the aspirations of the three principal characters and the space mission's success. Calculating orbits and the ability to manage extremely large numbers were essential to their research jobs. From the 1930s to the arrival of the digital computer in the early 1960s, the federal government hired several hundred female "human computers." Their job was calculating numbers and solving the equations needed for new generations of airplanes, the first American rockets, and the first U.S. space flights. They accomplished their work using pen, paper, and analog calculating machines. The need for these highly skilled workers was so great that even in those days of rampant racial discrimination, they also hired qualified black women. The "human computers" reported to the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, operated by the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA) (now the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)). This content is being brought to you by the Ward's World, Science By You program. This program brings lesson and classroom activity ideas directly from science teachers around the nation right to you. From best practices to activities, Science by You offers inspiration for every subject and every grade level. Interested in sharing your own content? Learn how today. PMS200 Black 70% Cool Gray 10 Black Astra Regular get for free from dafont.com Scan the QR code for a digital copy of this activity.

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