Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_Crystal Radio

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Issue link: https://wardsworld.wardsci.com/i/1484453

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Page 9 of 9

+ ward ' s science Page 10 Conclusion Reflection Time: Answer the questions below. 1. Explain how a radio works in your own words? Don't forget to mention the transmitter and the antenna. 2. Compare and contrast in the Venn diagram below about AM and FM radio signals? 3. How do you make radio waves? 4. How important is the radio in your life? Can they be used in an emergency? 5. Were you and your team satisfied with how your crystal radio worked? Why or why not? If you had the chance to do this again what would you do differently? Name: Class: Date: Building Your Own Crystal Radio (student handout continued)

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