Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_Agar Art

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Issue link: https://wardsworld.wardsci.com/i/1481658

Contents of this Issue


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+ ward ' s science Page 5 Agar Art — An Intro to Microbiology (student handout continued) cell theory unicellular organism colony multicellular organism tissue organ organ system organelle eukaryotic prokaryotic cytoplasm cytoskeleton capsule nucleoid flagellum chloroplast granum ribosome rough endoplasmic reticulum smooth endoplasmic reticulum central vacuole turgor pressure leucoplast cell wall nucleus nucleolus chromatin lipid bilayer lysosome Golgi apparatus centrosome mitochondrion cell membrane cilia homeostasis positive feedback negative feedback osmosis hypertonic hypotonic isotonic passive transport facilitated diffusion active transport Vocabulary: Microbial Art: Microbial art, agar art, or germ art is artwork created by culturing microorganisms in certain patterns. The microbes used can be bacteria, yeast fungi, or less commonly, protists. The microbes can be chosen for their natural colours, or can be engineered to express fluorescent proteins and viewed under ultraviolet light to make them fluoresce in colour. ~Wikipeida ASM Agar Art Contest: https://asm.org/Events/ASM-Agar-Art-Contest/Home

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