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Gummy Bear Dissection Lab (student handout)
1. Place the gummy bear in the anatomical position on the dissecting tray.
a. Define:
i. What is anatomical position?
ii. How do we divide our bodies three-dimensionally? (Anatomical Planes)
iii. Superior/Inferior:
iv. Anterior/Posterior:
v. Medial/Lateral:
vi. Distal/Proximal:
vii. Superficial/Deep:
viii. Dorsal/Ventral:
ix. Prone/Supine:
2. Sketch and label each dissection in your notebook, then take a picture and upload it to this page. Draw dashed lines to
show how you would dissect your gummy bear each way. If it is a position (dorsal/ventral/prone/supine), sketch the gummy bear
in that position.