Ward's World Activity Guides

WS_Science By You Activity_Resistance is Futile

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+ ward ' s science Page 8 Resistance is Futile (student handout continued) Preliminary Data Analysis: Part 1: Constant Conductor Length/ Variable Voltage 1. Determine if the pencil leads follow Ohmic behavior by preparing a graph of Voltage (V) versus Current (I). For analysis purposes, plot the voltage on the vertical axis. 2. Using the plotted data, determine if the pencil lead exhibits a linear relationship between the voltage and the current. Draw the best straight line that fits the data. 3. Using your line, find two points that are far apart and compute the slope. What does this slope represent? Show you work for the computation on your graph. Part 2: Constant Voltage / Variable Conductor Length 1. For each separation distance, apply Ohm's law and compute the resistance for measurement. Add an additional column to your part 2 data table and record in this space. 2. Using this data prepare of graph of resistance versus separation distance 3. Using the plotted data, determine if the pencil lead exhibits a linear relationship between the voltage and the current. Draw the best straight line that fits the data. 4. Using your line, find two points that are far apart and compute the slope. What does this slope represent? Show you work for the computation on your graph.

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