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In this lab, you will use an instrument called a spectroscope to look at different light types. The spectroscope has a component
called a diffraction grating that separates light into individual wavelengths. Since these wavelengths correspond to colors in the
visible light spectrum, you will be able to see the individual colors of light that combine to create the light that you see emitted
from each bulb.
Pre-Lab Questions:
Record your initial thoughts about the questions below.
1. Why do we call light—from light bulbs, from the sun, basically any kind of "regular" light— "white light"?
2. What is the difference between the different light bulbs that you can see set out for the lab today?
Use your computer/iPad to look up definitions for the following words:
1. Absorb
2. Energy
3. Light
4. Light Source
5. Spectrum
Wait—Light is Made of Other Lights? (Student Handout continued)