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Benham's Disk — What Colors Do You See?
Paul C.
Recommended Grade Level(s):
Appropriate for: K–5
Teaching Topics & Concepts:
• At the end of this period of instruction, students will have built a replica of Benham's disk.
– Students will learn about two different parts of their eye — rods and cones.
• Students will not be expected to remember what rods and cones specifically do, but will have a baseline understanding
that there are different parts of the eye responsible for seeing light and dark.
• Students will understand through experimentation that objects or colors that can be seen in light cannot be easily seen in
the dark.
• 1-PS4-2: Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that objects can be seen only when illuminated.
• 1-PS4-3: Plan and conduct an investigation to determine the effect of placing objects made with different materials in the
path of a beam oflight.
• SL.1.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and
adults in small and larger groups. (1-PS4-1), (1-PS4-2), (1-PS4-3).
• Spinning top toy
• Benham's disk template
• Glue stick
• Compact Disc (CD)
• Scissors
Background Information, Activity Setup:
In 1894, toymaker Mr. C.E. Benham discovered that a spinning disk with a particular pattern of black and white marks could
cause people to see colors. Mr. Benham called his disk an "Artificial Spectrum Top" and sold it through Messrs. Newton and Co.
Benham's Top (or Benham's Disk) has puzzled scientists for over 100 years.
Supplementary Presentation for Use with Lab:
Black 70%
Cool Gray 10
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