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Making an Electromagnet (continued)
Step-by-Step Procedure:
1. Wrap 10 full turns of copper wire around the iron nail.
2. Connect the positive alligator clip to one end of the wire and the negative clip to the other end.
3. Place BBs in the center (depression) of the paper plate.
4. Turn the DC power to 15 volts and drag as many BBs out of the center that stay attached.
5. Count the number of BBs pulled out and record on data table.
6. Repeat procedures 1 thru 5 for 20 turns, 30 turns and 40 turns of copper wire around the nail.
7. Record results on the data table.
Name: Class: Date:
• DC Adapter
• BBs copper
• 4 Iron nails
• Copper wire
• Paper plate
• Plastic cup