Ward's World + McGraw Hill's AccessScience

Ward's World+McGraw Hill Biotechnology_TeacherKey

Issue link: https://wardsworld.wardsci.com/i/1320454

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Biotechnology: Test Your Understanding Teacher's Guide + ward ' s science What is one of the earliest uses of biotechnology? An early example of biotechnology is the use of yeast and bacteria in food production. Describe one specific way in which biotechnology has improved modern medicine. Sample answers: Biotechnology has helped create promising new drugs, such as tissue plasminogen acti- vator, which can dissolve blood clots. Biotechnology has been used to modify antibody molecules to carry drugs or poisons at one of their binding sites to specific targets. How has biotechnology positively impacted the environment? Biotechnology has enabled the use of microorganisms in the degradation of toxic wastes such as petro- leum products, and organic wastes such as wood products. Critical Thinking: How are biotechnology and bioethics related? Sample answer: There is public concern about advancing biotechnology because people fear that scien- tists are gaining too much power over human health. There is a moral approach to science policy. Just be- cause we can manipulate organisms does not necessarily mean we should, so it is important to consider ethical ramifications of possible futures opened by scientific research.

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