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Use Electrical Equipment Safely 39. Never use electrical equipment with frayed cords. Report any damaged or broken electrical equipment to your teacher. 40. Be careful not to shock yourself or another person. 41. Turn off all power sources when setting up circuits or repairing equipment. 42. Do not use metal articles such as rulers, metal pencils, or writing pens; do not wear rings, metal watchbands, or bracelets when working with electrical equipment. 43. When disconnecting electrical equipment, pull from the plug and not the wire. 44. Use caution when handling electrical equipment that has been in use. The equipment may be warm or hot from being used. 45. Never connect, disconnect, or operate a piece of electrical equipment with wet hands or while standing on a wet floor. Report Accidents and Injuries 46. Report all injuries or accidents to the teacher immediately. This includes falls, breaks, spills, and cuts/burns. 47. In the event of a chemical splash, immediately move to the eye wash station or safety shower to thoroughly wash/flush the area with water for at least 20 minutes. Have your lab partner notify the teacher immediately Questions (Please indicate if you have any of the following special needs which may pose a safety risk.) 48. Do you wear contact lenses? Yes No 49. Do you have allergies? Yes No If so, List 50. Are you color blind? Yes No Home-Lab Safety Guidelines For Students and Parents (or Guardians) In addition to the safety guidelines above, these additional points are for home-lab safety. This list is an excellent resource for students or their guardians to follow for a safer science activity experience at home. 51. Keep the home lab kits, supplies, and other materials stored safely away from children in the household. 52. Don't perform unauthorized experiments. 53. Select a safe site for lab activities in your home that is protected from spills, children, and pets. Use a work area, such as your kitchen, where there is a flat and stable working surface, and access to water and various supplies. 54. Ensure there is proper ventilation and an easy exit from the lab. Remind students to open a window or turn on a kitchen range hood/fan. 55. Keep all chemicals and equipment out of the reach of children and pets. 56. If possible, keep all unauthorized people out of your selected site when chemicals are in use to avoid any unforeseen accidents. If you allow anyone to observe you or take part in experiments, ensure they also follow all the safety rules. Laboratory Safety Contract (continued) + ward ' s science