4. Clearly describe your school and the students (beneficiaries).
A. My school is a Title 1 school: Yes No
B. My school enrolls migrant students: Yes No
C. The geographic setting of my school is: Urban Rural Suburban
D. The grade level(s) of my school is/are (please choose all that apply, and indicate grade level of each):
Elementary Middle High
E. The approximate percentage of students in my school within each race/ethnicity is:
% Black/African American
% White/Caucasian
% Hispanic
% Other (Asian, Native American, mixed-race, etc.)
F. The percentage of students from households at or below the poverty level is (ex: % of students with
free/reduced lunch, etc.) %
G. The percentage of students meeting or exceeding state standards %
H. Other relevant school or student demographic information:
5. Define your major goals, objectives, standards and activities (project description)
(continued on next page).
How often will you do the activities? How many students will be affected? Will other teachers, classrooms, and the
community be involved?
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For assistance contact Rusti.Berent@VWR.com